Tout neuf!
A moment of visual and musical poetry to be shared with the family.
By Violaine Fournier and Cyrille Louge
What if music was a way of listening to the world?
Water streams, wind blows, fire crackles, footsteps resonate on earth... The world surrounding us rustles, vibrates, sings, as well as the amazing musical fruit in the center of this show. Three musician singers are going to open it, feel it, taste it and play with it gradually, as a way of (re)experiencing together the beginning of life. An awakening inspired by Mozart, Bach, Landi, Rossini... A moment of visual and musical poetry to be shared with the family.
The Show Tout Neuf ! is an awakening dreamlike immersion, recreating our very first connection to the world. Every birth replays somehow the world’s one. Tout Neuf !writes the poem of this journey, in nine steps. After the first astonishment of discovering oneself and the other ones, the whole world seems to be contained in a big mysterious egg... The interpreters will slowly unveil the nine pieces of this musical fruit, to first discover all its elements (air, water, fire, earth, metal) and then taste, touch, see, feel, listen to every sensations and emotions it creates. Every sound, object, material gradually turns into rhythms and melodies, become instruments, music, and this transformation tells us about the story of awakeness to the world. Nominated“Best 2018 Opera production for young audience” at the Yam Awards (Jeunesses Musicales Internationales)
Directing : Cyrille Louge
Creation of instruments : Jean Luc Priano
Music inspired by Mozart, Bizet, Bach, Landi...
Lights : Angélique Bourcet
Costumes : Alice Touvet
Violaine Fournier
Flore Fruchart / Antonine Bacquet
Guillaume Neel / Florent Chappel
«Avignon 2018 Editor’s favorite»
Le Parisien
«An open door on the world surrounding us»
France 3
«A playfull show with an amazing visual and musical aesthetic. The children enjoy and are amazed»
Stiften Danemark
«A musical and sensitive awakening with an stylized scenography»
La Terrasse
«A show full of softness and surprises... Amazing musical instruments»
«A poetic universe, between emotion and music, singing and playing, choregraphy and music»
L’Envolée Lyrique
«Here is a show that is clearly aimed at a young audience, from 2 years old. Small poetic and musical bubble with huge tenderness, it presents a trio of musicians-singers playing with a funny music instrument. Delicious... even for parents...»
Le Parisien
Emmanuelle Dandrel
06 62 16 98 27
photo: Lionel Blancafort
Spedidam, Adami, Aide à la diffusion d'Arcadi ,Villes d’Issy les Moulineaux, de Boulogne Billancourt et de Viroflay, CG92.